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AMATEUR divers from Buckinghamshire played a vital role in unravelling the mysteries of Roman Britain. Chesham branch of the British Sub- Aqua Club (BSAC) have even appeared on BBC2's flagship history programme "Digging For Britain" as they helped presenter Dr Alice Roberts.

At the site of the Roman villas near Hambleden – where one villa yielded the mysterious find of the bones of 97 babies – the divers searched the Thames for artefacts and hopefully will be able to prove it was a Roman quayside. Chesham, a very active BSAC club with around 30 members and has been diving the River Thames for around two years searching for ancient artefacts to help Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society.


Chesham BSAC get 'Digging for Britain' for the BBC
Ocean Leisure
Chesham BSAC get 'Digging for Britain' for the BBC
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